Java.Io.Ioexception: Map Failed Together With Java.Lang.Outofmemoryerror: Map Failed


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Java.Io.Ioexception: Map Failed Together With Java.Lang.Outofmemoryerror: Map Failed

Sabtu, 11 Juli 2020

While working alongside memory mapped file, y'all may larn Map failed error, which is mainly caused past times Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Map failed mistake every bit shown below. This mistake unremarkably comes piece mapping a large file inwards retention e.g. trying to map a file greater than 1 or 2GB Map failed
Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Map failed
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How to Solve Map failed

JVM option to enable large straightaway buffers :

This JVM flag teach virtual machine to run on 64-bit mode. Since 64-bit installation on Solaris in addition to may live on on other UNIX systems comes alongside 32-bit JVM every bit well, which may live on efficient for small-scale programs, due to small-scale size of OOPS pointer every bit discusses on why piece of employment -XX:UseCompressedOOPS flag inwards 64-bit JVM. By providing this pick to your JVM y'all brand certain that it's running on 64-bit mode, allowing it to map to a greater extent than memory.

This pick is non on official listing of JVM flags simply all the same a expert pick to try. It allows y'all configure retention used past times straightaway buffers.

 One to a greater extent than option, y'all tin give notice attempt is -XX:+UseLargePages.

 For example, if your programme is using 6GB of retention mapped file, y'all may desire to pass

 java -d64 -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=6g -XX:+UseLargePages BigApp

That's all on how to solve Map failed in addition to java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Map failed. You tin give notice piece of employment whatever of these options or combination of them to encounter what industrial plant for you. Make certain y'all piece of employment 64-bit JVM if y'all are mapping large files inwards memory. Remember though both mistake are different, i is IOException in addition to other is OutOfMemoryError, displace is roughly same, departure is IOException comes piece using that file in addition to OutOfMemoryError comes piece mapping that file inwards memory.

Further Learning
Java Memory Management
Understanding the Java Virtual Machine: Memory Management
Understanding in addition to Solving Java Memory Problems